You can find the Navigator in the Navigator tab on the top left of the sidebar.
- Open folders and tags to focus on
- Search your workspace
- Organize your files and folders
- Focuses are an easy to use and intuitive way to focus on specific parts of your work
- Opening a Folder/Tag in a Focus
- Click + Open inside your focus and select a folder/tag to focus.
- Reordering Focuses
- Drag and drop your waypoints to reorder them
- Removing a Folder/Tag from Focuses
- Right-click on a item inside your focus and click Remove from Focus
Searching your Workspace
- Open Blink using a hotkey or clicking on the Search icon in your workspace
- Searching with Blink
- Blink can search and allow you to instantly edit your Notes and Contexts, just type in what you're looking for and your note/context will be loaded
Ordering Items in a Folder/Tag
- Reorder in any space by drag and dropping to the specific you want.
Hiding Items
- Right click any file or folder and select hide to hide them from the navigator and any spaces they're in.
- Unhiding Files and Folders
- In the Main Menu, select the Manage Hidden Files option and remove any files or folders that are hidden from the list to unhide them.
- Notes and spaces can be pinned to a space so you can quickly access them.
- There are many ways to pin to a space.
- Directly clicking pin to space in the Space View / Flow Editor
- Right-clicking a note an clicking pin to a space
- Right-click on the space and click Add Pin
- Drag and drop a note/space into the space while holding shift